Cloth Diaper Routine & Storage + a Quick Haul


We have been part-time cloth diapering for a few months now & have a pretty easy routine down. In today’s video I show you a quick Thirstie’s haul from Christmas, our cloth diaper routine, & our storage.


The Thirstie’s Outdoor Adventure Collection is ADORABLE! I love the all of the prints and so does Eli it seems!


Duo Wraps in Mountain Bike, Midnight Blue, & Fin


All-in-Ones in Happy Camper, Adventure Trail, & Cactus Garden


My wash routine is so, so simple! I do a pre-wash, a hot heavy duty cycle, & an extra rinse cycle. I’ve used both Rockin’ Green & Charlie’s Soap detergents & both have worked great so far – no lingering smells. I’ve had a few stains to deal with, but they came right out after a few hours in the sun! Easy!

Our cloth diaper storage:


These drawers attached to Eli’s crib have given us the perfect amount of storage we have needed for cloth diapers and extras.


We moved this dresser into our living room in place of two large chairs during the Christmas season to make room for the tree, but it gave us such good storage that we left it in there. This is our diapering drawer and it fits exactly what we need it to.

Other cloth diapering items we are enjoying:


Naturally Nature Cloth Diaper LinersHonest Bottom WashThirstie’s Organic Cloth Wipes, & BumGenius All-in-Ones

Dekor Diaper Pail & Cloth Diaper Pail Liner

Do you cloth diaper? Full-time or part-time? Are there any tips or tricks you’d like to share?

First Cloth Diaper Haul

Even before we got pregnant, Miguel and I decided we would cloth diaper our little one. Little did we know, there is SO MUCH to learn about cloth diapering – naive, I know. In this video I show you the start of our “stash”. With the help of YouTube, Facebook, and a friend I kind of know what I want to try first. I also know it will be a learning process now, and once the baby gets here, so I am in no way giving any advice here, just showing my cute diapers. 🙂

You can watch the video here:

Here is a list of what’s mentioned:

IMG_1298 – use code BDBF7E2C3 to get up to 5 free pairs (just pay shipping)


Snappi Cloth Diaper Fasteners


OsoCozy Unbleached Prefold Diapers


Thirsties Duo Wraps – Size 1 – in Meadow, Ocean Blue, Fallen Leaves, and Mountain Range


bumGenius Elemental Cloth Diaper AIO – in Jolly and Grasshopper


bumGenius Freetime AIO 2 pack – in Armadillo/Stellar and White/Mirror